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1 - 4x6 - MR (Matte Royal) - $2.00
Digital Download 4x6 - $1.25
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8x10 print - $15.00
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2013 Lights, Camera, Skate- Diamond Edge Show
2/23/2013 - 2/24/2013
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1 Flag Presentation
2 Diamond Synchro
3 Basic 5 & Basic 6 Older
4 Snowplow Sam 3-Basic 1-Basic 2
5 Soloist Holly Kidrowski
6 Instructor Spotlight- Jordyn and Mallory
7 Instructor Spotlight Lexie
8 Snowplow Sam 2
9 Skating Dads
910 Freeskate 2 and Freeskate 3
911 Freeskate 4 thru Novice
912 Basic 5 and Basic 6 younger
913 Basic 7- Basic 8- Freeskate 1
914 Basic 3 and Basic 4 Younger
915 Basic 3 and Basic 4 Older
916 Dance
917 Senior Solos
918 Sapphire Synchro
919 Soloist Sydney Fischer
920 Instructor Spotlight Hannah and Mitchel
921 Snowplow Sam 3- Basic 1- Basic 2
922 Basic 3
923 Preliminary thru Novice
924 Basic 4 and Basic 5
926 Basic 7 thru Freeskate 1
927 Freeskate 4 to Freeskate 6
928 Instructor Spotlight Holly & Sydney
929 Basic 7 to Freeskate 2 younger
930 Duet Mitchel and Jordyn
931 Snowplow Sam 2
932 Trio Hannah, Lexie and Lindsey
933 Basic 6
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